Thursday, March 25, 2010

Talk PPT


PFA the link to the PPT which is uploaded on slide share for all bits junta who are off campus and working.

Once the talk is done we will try to record it and try to upload it to youtube.

Friday, March 12, 2010


In the meanwhile, if you have any immediate queries, feel free to comment on this post and we shall be happy to answer your queries. All the best!!


UPDATE: We are planning to have the interaction on Sunday so that people we can have a video conference with the people on campus and float the link online so that u can view the stream. We will also upload it on a youtube. Please post any queries as comments.

For more updates:


Hi fellas,

We a few Wimwi guys were thinking of having an infromal interaction/presentation where we cud let u guys know abt our interview/gd experiences and what we think could be useful to study. In case u are interested in attending the same, kindly let us know. We will try to conduct it on weekdays itself so that those who have interviews this weekend can benefit. Please pass it on to others and put this link as your status message.

As of now we were thinking of having a telecon for on campus ppl and upload the video of the same on youtube.
Please suggest any other means if you know about it.
